Have you ever said this…

…“I couldn’t draw a straight line with a ruler”. We hear this often. It’s this idea that we’re not creative folks.

Which is horse-you-know-what.

Have you ever created a friendship? A collection of bobble heads? Core memories with loved ones? New connections? Habits?

Of course you have, so you’ve been creating all your life.

We come from Creator, hence we create.

Our job is to create a powerful and amazing life, to create possibilities, to create something magical.

And as THE CREATIVE ALCHEMIST, my job is to help you create what it is you desire in life…from better relationships, a stronger connection to self, more artistic pursuits, a more profitable business, to a better spiritual connection…and more.


We often confuse creativity with artistic skills.

But creativity is in every pore of your being.

You’re creating every single day and you don’t know it.

Now imagine being able to harness this potent ability with intention.

To actively create, using your whole mind-body-spirit connection. Imagine creating with a goal in mind.

That’s BIG energy…and big results.

Let’s talk about the thorn in your side

You’re not here because you’re on a roll. There’s something lacking in your life right now.

Or maybe nothing is wrong per se, but nothing feels right.

You’re doing okay, but you want more than okay.

Perhaps your business is hitting a slump and need a jump start.

Perhaps your work life is blah and you want to find that drive again.

Perhaps your relationship feels insipid and you want to spark that passion.

Perhaps you feel invisible and want to be seen for who you truly are.

Perhaps you’re an artist but feel your creativity drying up and want to get the juices flowing again.

Perhaps your habits are self-destructive and you want to get on the path of wellness and joy.

Perhaps you want to reinvent yourself, to break out of the boredom of doing the same old same old.

This is your time to make those changes…


And this is where you and I get to this together.

You don’t have to be a musician, dancer, painter, or writer to tap into creativity. You create when you send an email, when you rearrange your spice cabinet, when you organize your fantasy football league, or when you create a powerpoint for your presentation.

You were BORN to create!

Creativity isn’t just for artists. It’s available to you if you open yourself to the power of possibilities.

“No matter what tools you use to create, the true instrument is you.” - Rick Rubin