Working together

what do we actually do together?

Let's do this! When we work together, we get you moving towards your goals, tapping into that big and beautiful CREATIVE ALCHEMIST of yours. I’m not talking about painting away the blues (although that does work for some)…but harnessing the creative flow within you that just knows what you need to handle the issues, emotions, and thoughts confronting you, slowing you down.

We'll chat, laugh, and maybe even cry a little (it happens often…tears are cleansing). I'll ask you all the important questions, and together we'll uncover the gems hiding in your heart.

Clients often share their wildest dreams and deepest fears, and I've helped them navigate the ups and downs of those as they pursue their goals. When self-doubt creeps in (and it will), I'll be your personal cheerleader, reminding you of your incredible talents and strengths. But also reminding you that you have the answers within.

And what you don’t know, I’m happy to fill in the gaps.

Think of this as you and I walking down the path, side by side, and I’m there showing you the potential trip hazards. Or letting you know the better paths. And if you do stumble, I’m there to lift you back up.

In practical terms, I’m part coach, part mentor, part guide, and part lamp lighter.

In short, we'll shake things up and pave the way for a life that truly feels like yours - with creativity, joy, and a sense of grounding.

Are you ready to join forces and create the future you deserve?

How it works

We meet once a week.

We actively engage in building your most powerful authentic self.

We have the opportunity to connect inbetween sessions via Voxer, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, email, text…hell, even carrier pigeon if that’s what you want.

You share your wins, struggles and lessons.

You also get any and all resources that I feel will help you grow.

We focus on your goals, your thoughts, your actions, and how to eliminate or reduce the stories which conspire to keep you in safety (aka Lame Land).

If you have any further questions about what we do, options, payment, etc. you can go the FAQ page, or drop me an email on the Connecting page.

See options below and decide what would work best for you and where you want to be

  • One and Done

    This is if you have a very specific problem you want to tackle, and want to get it taken care of in one session. This is also for someone who want to get a real taste of how I work and what we can co-create together.

    $222 USD (one off only - no repeats)

  • Trio

    It’s me, you, and the block that’s preventing you from shining. Three sessions allows us to dig deep, take potent actions, and get feedback. We visit different issues and tackle them with your amazing creative spirit!

    $727 USD (payment plans available)

  • Six-pack

    This is for you if you want to open yourself up to greater heights, deeper inquiry, and exploring the creative power within you, so you can change your life dramatically. You’re making powerful changes in this space.

    $1300 USD (payment plans available)

  • A Dozen Does it

    This is the full monty. When you invest in this commitment, you’re investing in your growth. You’re going all in. You’re telling the Universe that you’re ready to make those big changes. You’re a creative powerhouse.

    (Click below to see sliding scale options)


I’m offering a pricing model that allows you to choose from several different price points, based on your financial situation.

This is ONLY available to the A Dozen Does It package, although most packages allow for payment plans.

Making my coaching services accessible to as many people as possible is important to me, and the sliding scale allows me to help those who may have previously been restricted due to financial concerns.

Below, you’ll see a quick description of each, and I trust you’ll find the one that suits you most. This is a self-qualifying scale.

It's important to choose the tier that feels most aligned with your financial situation and personal goals.

I want you to feel empowered to make the best decision for yourself!

Note: ALL levels of investment receive the same quality of coaching, and I’m committed to helping you achieve their goals, regardless of what you’re able to pay.

Options for sliding scale

  • Groovy

    Perfect for those who are financially secure and want to invest in themselves fully. No need to worry about juggling expenses or unexpected bills - this tier is for those who are ready to commit to their personal growth without hesitation.

    12 x 1 hr of 1:1 private coaching / mentoring / guidance

    Between session support on Voxer, WhatsApp, text, etc.

    Any and all resources required to get you moving ahead


    $2400 USD - payment plans available

  • Slammin'

    This is for those who want and need coaching but have encountered an unexpected expense. Don't let that stop you from investing in yourself! It’s also great for anyone who may be a bit short on funds but still wants to prioritize their personal growth.

    12 x 1 hr of 1:1 private coaching / mentoring / guidance

    Between session support on Voxer, WhatsApp, text, etc.

    Any and all resources required to get you moving ahead


    $2100 USD - payment plans available

  • Funky

    This is for those who are stretched thin but still see the value in coaching. Whether you've got other equally important things to spend your money on or just hit a temporary financial roadblock, this tier is perfect for you.and your creativity.

    12 x 1 hr of 1:1 private coaching / mentoring / guidance

    Between session support on Voxer, WhatsApp, text, etc.

    Any and all resources required to get you moving ahead


    $1900 USD - payment plans available