What do you need to know?

  • Creativity is EVERYTHING, homie. How you dress, how you comport yourself, how you compose an email, how you see yourself in the world, how you tell yourself stories, how you raise your children, how you play in your down time and at work, how you have sex, how you show up in your own life and in the lives of others…all come from creation.

    You CREATE the stories in your head, you CREATE how you live your life, you CREATE your environment, you CREATE how you respond to problems.

    Everything is about creation. You were created from Creator, hence you were meant to create.

    I love the arts, but I know that creativity isn’t about artistic abilities. But we can be artistic in how we build relationships, businesses, families, and communities. We can tap into that massive creative spirit we ALL have to design a life worth bragging about.

    That’s why I take the creative approach - you get to play, invent, connect dots, and see things in new and powerful ways. It’s an amazing way to rebuilt your life or reinvent yourself!

  • Yes, you can certainly use the countless books, videos and other resources available to you do nearly anything out there - from fixing your dishwasher to trading stock to starting a business from scratch. And yes, you can work on self-development on your own. But there’s always one problem when doing that: you hit a ceiling.

    If you’re reading this, you’ve already done a LOT of work on yourself, but are now stuck, amirite? Or else you wouldn’t be here. Having a coach / mentor / guide helps you get to the next level. Having an advocate, cheerleader, another set of eyes and someone who not only has been there, but has helped hundreds of others make it to the next stage of their growth is, will supercharge how quickly and how powerfully you get to your authentic self.

    Like venom, coaching is potent and works quickly. You’re poisoning and eliminating the old you and bringing in the new and improved true YOU.

  • Is it? If you’re here, you’re seeking something. I’m a proud jack of all trades.

    With all my experience, my coach training, my spiritual work, my leadership work, my parenting, my problem solving, my creativity and artistic pursuits and accomplishments, my strength in teaching, my powerful intuition, my deepened sense of self and the many, many, many (did I say many?) learnings I had through pain, therapy, coaching, etc. I feel like I am qualified in all ways to help you revinvent yourself, to become the highest form of you.

    You can visit the Working Together page to see what kind of things I have worked with clients to work on. I’m not for everyone, but those who work with me have solved many a problem with creativity and deeper connection to self.

  • The idea of a sliding scale is something that I’ve been thinking about for some time now, and want to share it with everyone.

    I feel strongly that coaching is powerful and can help anyone. I also realize that not everyone can afford coaching. For some it’s a luxury, for others it’s a necessity.

    The idea with the sliding scale is to help those who see the value in coaching, but might be lacking funds because of a temporary financial issue or unexpected downturn. It’s also for those who may have equally important things to cover, but still want the benefit of coaching.

    Note that the quality of the coaching does NOT change. My integrity would never allow me to coach in a “lesser” way even if I wanted to! I show up 100% no matter what.

    This is a self-qualifying offer. I won’t audit you. This isn’t based on your current annual income like some practices use. It’s an honour system. I believe that you will choose the one that best suits your financial situation and goals.

  • Absolutely. And I don’t penalize anyone for not having the full amount up front. The payments equal the investment, no interest or “full pay enticements”. You’ll find many payment options when you purchase.

  • When we work together, we talk. We get to the crap that’s getting in the way of what you want. But we look at what actions you need to take to get you where you want to go.

    We talk. I get curious about your life. I help coax out what your secret desires and deepest fears are. We look at what your big dreams are. We fantasize about how life can look for you, and think of creative ways to help get you closer to that.

    I help you see your hidden strengths and gifts. I hold the vision for you that you may not hold for yourself right now. I hold you to your word in a kind, but firm way.

    You can expect a safe, non-judgemental, and fertile place to develop your true authentic self. All emotions are valid. All of you is see. And in this space, you grow. As long as you do the work, value yourself and the process and trust the methods, then you will grown. No doubt about it.

  • Think about it - you CREATED your business. You CREATED your back office systems. You CREATED the relationships to your clients and vendors. You CREATED the culture in your work space.

    You have been creating since Day 1. So to say that creativity has nothing to do with business is utter BS! When YOU are in a more creative spirit, when you see the value in play and exploration, you will see just how your business or work place can beneift.

    Even how you lead can be a creative endeavor. Every part of your business has a creative aspect to it, and the more creative you are, the more your business and those in it will prosper.

 FAQs aka stuff you may want to know

Have a question that you don’t see above? Fire me a message HERE and I’ll get back to you ASAP!