the Creative Alchemist

i’m absolutely terrible…

…at pretending to be anyone else other than my own self

…at showing up to life at less than 100% of my power, creativity, and abilities

…at convincing myself that I’m living up to my full potential when deep down I know I’m not

I’m an unapologetically powerful Creative Alchemist

and so are you

I’ve reinvented my self countless times and worn many caps in my life: chef, dad, husband, healer, alcoholic, shamanic practioner, coach, instructor, teacher, speaker, author, podcaster, writer, blogger, marathoner, mentor, content creator, and the most important one of all…


I’ve recreated my life to be in line with what lights me up, where my energy naturally goes to, and in doing so, have been able to live a life aligned, in congruency and one with FUN, JOY, and PASSION.

One thing to know about me: I like to laugh a lot.

Humour is an important part of who I am and what I do. Humour is a creative force that unites, questions, reveals, and comforts.

But it doesn’t mean that I don’t take what I do seriously. I do what I do with great care - helping you create a life worthy of your energy.

What you can expect from me in our time together

I’ve been told that I am grounding, open, calming, insightful, wise, transparent, intuitive, funny, and that conversations with me feel therapeutic, even though I’m not a therapist and I usually have hint of sass in my way of being (see the part about humour above).

You can expect someone who is in tune with your needs. I have no agenda other than what you want and need to create, build, and release. I’m your partner-in-shine.

Of course, I will call BS on the things that need calling out, and it’s done with a bit of my cheffy / dad-practiced love.

I know what it’s like to not be seen, hence I’m so here to not only see you, but to help you see yourself in the full glory of your you-ness

What you REALLY want to know about me ;)

Okay, maybe you’re trying to dig up dirt on me. I get it…we all love to lurk 😏

I’m a certified Life Coach from iPEC, and opened my coaching business in the summer of 2018. I’ve coached hundreds of clients, and have over a thousand coaching hours. I achieved the PCC accreditation from the ICF. (Lots of acronyms here, right?)

Before that, I was a chef for over 25 years. My resume covers fine dining restaurants, hotels, sports and entertainment complexes, culinary colleges, personal cheffing, catering, and much more. At my last gig, I was overseeing 140 staff, including two levels of management.

Leadership is BIG passion of mine, and I also troubleshoot leadership issues with managers at all levels.

I’m 13 years sober from alcohol. I’ve mentored and sponsored many men and women through their own road to recovery. I wrote a book called Longing For The Spirit, had a popular podcast called Buzzkill, and an even more popular blog called Message In A Bottle…all recovery-related.

I’m a shamanic practioner, and for a while I was doing tarot readings, bone and charm casting, energy healing sessions, and been on podcasts talking about things spiritual. Spirituality is still a big, but much quieter, part of my life.

I currently have a podcast called Seared: Stories From the Stove that combines all my loves - cheffing, leadership, addiction recovery, spirituality, humour…and more. You can find it on YouTube, iTunes and Spotify. Please subscribe and share!

I also play the flute, love video editing, do amateur graphic designing, am a chess fan, and am an avid gamer.

I’m 53 years old, married 29 of those years, dad of two teen boys, and papaw to two rescue dogs, Tulip and Bandit. We all live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.